Class TransmissionCapacity

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    de.dlr.gitlab.fame.communication.transfer.Portable, Cloneable

    public class TransmissionCapacity
    extends Object
    implements de.dlr.gitlab.fame.communication.transfer.Portable, Cloneable
    Specifies a transmission capacity of electricity from one market zone to another.
    A. Achraf El Ghazi, Felix Nitsch
    • Constructor Detail

      • TransmissionCapacity

        public TransmissionCapacity()
        required for Portables
      • TransmissionCapacity

        public TransmissionCapacity​(String target,
                                    double amount)
        Constructs a new TransmissionCapacity object based on:
        target - market zone name
        amount - of energy that can be maximally transfered from origin to target market zone
    • Method Detail

      • addComponentsTo

        public void addComponentsTo​(de.dlr.gitlab.fame.communication.transfer.ComponentCollector collector)
        Specified by:
        addComponentsTo in interface de.dlr.gitlab.fame.communication.transfer.Portable
      • populate

        public void populate​(de.dlr.gitlab.fame.communication.transfer.ComponentProvider provider)
        Specified by:
        populate in interface de.dlr.gitlab.fame.communication.transfer.Portable
      • getTarget

        public String getTarget()
        market zone that is the target of the transmission
      • getRemainingTransferCapacityInMW

        public double getRemainingTransferCapacityInMW()
        remaining amount of energy that can be transferred to the target market zone
      • setRemainingTransferCapacityInMW

        public void setRemainingTransferCapacityInMW​(double newRemainingTransferCapacityInMW)
        updates remaining transfer capacity to the given value
        newRemainingTransferCapacityInMW - to be used as new value