All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractDevice |
Represents a storage device of any kind (e.g.
AggregatorTrader |
Aggregates supply capacity and administers support payments to plant operators
AggregatorTrader.OutputColumns |
Columns of the output file
AggregatorTrader.Products |
Products of this Agent
AmountAtTime |
Specifies an arbitrary amount at a specific time
AnnualCostCalculator |
Calculates annual cost for investment annuity and fixed operating expenses
ArbitrageStrategist |
Creates arbitrage strategies for storage devices based on forecasts for merit-order or electricity prices
ArbitrageStrategist.StrategistType |
Types of Strategists for storage operators
AtMarginalCost |
Calculates bid prices to equal marginal cost
AwardData |
Award information returned from market clearing
Bid |
A bid offering or requesting a given amount of energy for a specified price
BiddingStrategy |
Can calculate a bidding prices for marketing of renewable energy
BidsAtTime |
Summary of multiple bids from one trader for one bidding time period
Biogas |
Biogas.OperationMode |
Mode of operation of the Biogas power plant
BuildingParameters |
Encapsulates building parameters
CarbonMarket |
CO2 market place that sells CO2 certificates and accounts for total sold CO2 emission rights.
CarbonMarket.OperationMode |
CarbonMarket.Products |
Cfd |
Set-specific realisation of a two-sided contract for difference
ClearingDetails |
Detailed result of market clearing
ClearingTimes |
Transfers 1..N TimeStamps
ClientData |
Co2Cost |
Constants |
Defines both minimal and maximal allowed bidding prices at the DayAheadMarket
ContractForDifferences |
Bidding strategy for two-sided contracts for differences
ConventionalPlantOperator |
Operates a portfolio of conventional power plant units of same type, e.g. nuclear or hard-coal power plant unit.
ConventionalPlantOperator.Products |
ConventionalTrader |
Sells energy of one conventional PowerPlantOperator at the DayAheadMarket
CouplingData |
Specifies the data that EnergyExchange agents have to send to the MarketCoupling agent in order to minimise price variance
across markets.
Cp |
Set-specific realisation of a capacity premium
DayAheadMarket |
Common market clearing routines for day-ahead energy markets.
DayAheadMarket.OutputFields |
DayAheadMarket.Products |
DayAheadMarketMultiZone |
Energy exchange performs local market clearing for day-ahead energy market.
DayAheadMarketMultiZone.Products |
DayAheadMarketSingleZone |
Performs market clearing for a single day-ahead energy market zone.
DayAheadMarketTrader |
DayAheadMarketTrader.OutputColumns |
Available output columns
DayAheadMarketTrader.Products |
DemandBalancer |
Encapsulates the actual market coupling algorithm; Dispatch the demand among energy exchanges in order to maximise the total
DemandOrderBook |
DemandTrader |
Purchases energy at DayAheadMarket according to given TimeSeries of energy demand
Device |
Represents a physical energy storage device (e.g.
DispatchResult |
Conveys results of dispatching conventional power plants
DispatchSchedule |
Represents a charge / discharge schedule for flexibility options, e.g. storage systems
DynamicProgrammingStrategist |
Provides basic functions for dynamic programming-based optimisation of dispatch strategies.
ElectrolysisTrader |
A flexible Trader demanding electricity and producing hydrogen from it via electrolysis.
ElectrolysisTrader.Outputs |
Available output columns
Electrolyzer |
An electrolyzer device that converts electricity to hydrogen
ElectrolyzerStrategist |
Base class for electrolysis strategists
EndUserTariff |
Determines end-user tariffs for consumption or feed-in
FileDispatcher |
Dispatches an electrolysis unit following a fixed dispatch schedule, either for hydrogen production or electric demand, and
either absolute or relative to available conversion power
FileDispatcher |
FinancialCfd |
Fit |
Set-specific realisation of a feed-in tariff
FixedPremium |
Bidding strategy for fixed market premium
FlexibilityTrader |
A type of Trader that also operates a flexibility asset, e.g. storage device or flexible heat pump
FlexibilityTrader.Outputs |
FlexibilityTrader.Products |
Forecaster |
Base class for Day-ahead market forecasters defining their products
Forecaster.Products |
FuelBid |
Offer or request for an amount of fuel of a certain type at a given time
FuelBid.BidType |
Type of fuel bid
FuelCost |
FuelData |
Transmitting Data concerning a fuel type
FuelsMarket |
Determines market prices for all conventional power plant fuels
FuelsMarket.Products |
FuelsTrader |
FuelsTrader.Products |
GreenHydrogenProducer |
Ability to produce green hydrogen from green electricity sold by a PPA contract partner
GreenHydrogenProducer.Outputs |
Available output columns
GreenHydrogenProducer.Products |
Available products
GreenHydrogenTrader |
Electricity and Hydrogen Trader that uses electricity produced by a renewable plant operator to produce green hydrogen
(utilising an electrolysis device) in hourly equivalence.
GreenHydrogenTraderMonthly |
GreenHydrogenTraderMonthly is a type of ElectrolysisTrader that operates an electrolyzer unit to produce hydrogen from green
electricity purchased via a PPA ensuring monthly equivalence of used electricity for electrolysis and produced green
HeatingInputData |
Input time series to derive heating demands
HeatPump |
A basic technical description of heat pump performance
HeatPumpSchedule |
Represents a dispatch schedule for flexible heat pumps
HeatPumpStrategist |
Abstract upper class of the different heat pump strategist types; creates a HeatPumpSchedule.
HeatPumpStrategist.HeatPumpStrategistType |
HeatPumpTrader |
Buys electricity for a portfolio of heat pumps at the EnergyExchange
ImportTrader |
Offers imported energy at DayAheadMarket according to given TimeSeries of energy import as supply.
IndividualPlantBuilder |
Installs and dismantles power plants according to a list of individual plants
Marginal |
Transmits a single power-marginalCost pair
MarginalCostSensitivity |
Reflects the sensitivity of supply-side marginal cost with respect to changes in demand
MarginalsAtTime |
Summary of multiple Marginal s associated with the same producer and delivery time
MarketClearing |
Performs market clearing of day-ahead market based on provided Bid-messages
MarketClearingResult |
MarketCoupling |
Market coupling Agent that receives MeritOrderBooks from registered individual DayAheadMarket(s).
MarketCoupling.Products |
MarketData |
Stores and evaluates market data
MarketForecaster |
MarketForecaster.Products |
MeritOrderForecaster |
Calculates and provides perfect foresight merit order forecasts
MeritOrderKernel |
Clears the energy market by matching demand and supply curves
MeritOrderKernel.MeritOrderClearingException |
MeritOrderKernel could not complete clearing.
MeritOrderMessage |
MeritOrderSensitivity |
Represents changes of a merit-order derived value (e.g. electricity price or system cost) when the awarded power for supply or
demand are changed
MonthlyEquivalence |
Strategist for operation of an electrolysis unit operation plus corresponding bidding strategies for purchasing grey
electricity and selling green electricity.
Mpfix |
Set-specific realisation of a fixed market premium
Mpvar |
Set-specific realisation of a variable market premium
MultiAgentMedian |
Creates simple storage dispatch strategies based on an electricity price forecast and its median; Charges whenever the price
is below (median - loss_safety) and discharges when prices are above (median + loss_safety).
NoSupportTrader |
Offers energy at DayAheadMarket according to given TimeSeries of renewable power plants and thereby obtaining
no support payments
OptimisationInputs |
Encapsulates all input data from AMIRIS for the external model that is called by heat pump strategist
OptimisationOutputs |
Comprises output data from the external model, which is called by the heat pump strategist type StrategistExternal , to
be used back in AMIRIS.
OrderBook |
Handles a list of bids or asks at an energy DayAheadMarket for a single time frame of trading
OrderBook.DistributionMethod |
Method of how to award energy across multiple price-setting bids
OrderBookItem |
PlantBuildingManager |
Installs and tears down conventional power plants
PlantBuildingManager.Products |
PointInTime |
Transfers but a single TimeStamp
PolicyItem |
Abstract base class for set-specific support policy parametrisations
PolicyItem.SupportInstrument |
Available support instruments
Polynomial |
Represents a polynomial of any degree
Portfolio |
Summarises a set of conventional power plants
PowerForecastError |
Calculates power values with errors following a normal distribution for power forecasting
PowerPlant |
A conventional power plant unit
PowerPlantOperator |
Handles communication of power plant operators with their contracting Trader
PowerPlantOperator.OutputFields |
Available output columns
PowerPlantOperator.Products |
Available products
PowerPlantPrototype |
Stores common data of one type of conventional power plants
PowerPlantPrototype.PrototypeData |
Technical specification template for a group conventional power plants
PowerPlantScheduler |
Can order power plants how to dispatch
PowerPlantScheduler.Products |
PpaInformation |
Specifies an arbitrary amount at a specific time
PredefinedPlantBuilder |
Installs and dismantles power plants according to a given predefined power TimeSeries
PremiumBased |
Common functionality used by bidding strategies of infeed-based market premia
PriceForecaster |
Calculates and provides perfect foresight electricity price forecasts
PriceForecasterFile |
Provides static electricity price forecasts read from file
PriceNoSensitivity |
Despite being of type MeritOrderSensitivity , these objects store no sensitivity information but only a single
electricity price
PriceSensitivity |
Reflects the sensitivity of the merit order price to bid changes
ProfitMaximiser |
Strategy to maximise profits via dynamic programming, running backwards in time.
RenewablePlantOperator |
RenewablePlantOperator.Products |
RenewableTrader |
Markets renewable capacities considering various different support instruments
SensitivityItem |
Represents an item of a merit-order sensitivity
SetPolicies |
Controls all set-specific policy items
SingleAgentSimple |
Dispatches an electrolysis unit with the aim to minimise its cost using an electricity price forecast and a hydrogen
production goal
SortedLinkedList<T extends Comparable<T>> |
A LinkedList of Comparable elements that is sorted according to the natural ordering of its elements
StepPower |
StorageTrader |
Strategist |
Base class for strategists that operate some kind of flexibility, e.g., an energy storage or flexible electrolysis
StrategistExternal |
Creates a cost-optimal HeatPumpSchedule according to real-time prices, which is endogenously calculated by a heat pump
dispatch model.
StrategistInflexibleFile |
Heat pump dispatch orientated at given heat demand from file, irrespective of electricity prices
StrategistInflexibleRC |
Heat pump dispatch orientated at endogenously calculated heat demand, irrespective of electricity prices
StrategistMinCostFile |
Minimises costs for heat pump dispatch using active storage (hot water tank) for a given heat demand file
StrategistMinCostRC |
Minimises costs for heat pump dispatch by means of passive thermal storage using the thermal response model
StrategyParameters |
Strategy parameters for heat pump operation
SupplyOrderBook |
SupportData |
Information on the support policy applicable to the associated set type
SupportPolicy |
Coordinates various different support policies - distributes according information and assigns support pay-outs.
SupportPolicy.EnergyCarrier |
Available energy carriers eligible for support - and "Other"
SupportPolicy.Products |
SupportRequestData |
Holds the support data needed to calculate the support pay-out by the policy agent after a request by an AggregatorTrader.
SupportResponseData |
Holds the response of the support policy agent to a SupportRequestData item, i.e. the actual support payed out
SystemCostMinimiser |
Strategy to minimise system cost (i.e. supply-side marginals) via dynamic programming, running backwards in time.
SystemOperatorTrader |
Offers energy at DayAheadMarket of renewable power plants using a feed-in tariff support scheme
TechnologySet |
Info needed for registration of a producer for support payments
ThermalResponse |
Describes basic thermodynamic behaviour of one specific type using the 1R1C model according to
Trader |
Trader.Products |
TraderWithClients |
Abstract base class for all traders at DayAheadMarket that require clients in order to create their bids.
TraderWithClients.Products |
TransferOrderBook |
Handles a list of imported/exported Bids in a DayAheadMarket for a single time frame of trading.
TransmissionBook |
Handles a list of transmission capacities of an DayAheadMarket for a single time frame of trading.
TransmissionCapacity |
Specifies a transmission capacity of electricity from one market zone to another.
UrlModelService<T,U> |
Caller for external model that is executed via post requests to a URL;
usage; Create an anonymous (child) class with
UrlModelService<RequestModel,ResponseModel> myService = new UrlModelService<RequestModel,ResponseModel>(urlString) {}
Util |
Collection of general static methods used across packages
Util.MessagePair<X extends PointInTime,Y extends PointInTime> |
A pair of messages containing a PointInTime DataItem that have the same TimeStamp .
VariablePremium |
Bidding strategy for variable market premium
VariableRenewableOperator |
An operator of variable renewable energy sources plants that depend on a yield profile.
VariableRenewableOperatorPpa |
A power plant operating on variable renewable energy sources and fulfilling a single private purchase agreement (PPA) to
market its energy.
VariableRenewableOperatorPpa.Products |
YieldPotential |
Yield potential data associated with an energy carrier