Uses of Class
Packages that use MarketClearingResult Package Description agents.forecast -
Uses of MarketClearingResult in agents.forecast
Fields in agents.forecast with type parameters of type MarketClearingResult Modifier and Type Field Description protected TreeMap<de.dlr.gitlab.fame.time.TimeStamp,MarketClearingResult>
MarketForecaster. calculatedForecastContainer
contains all previously calculated forecasts with their associated timeMethods in agents.forecast that return MarketClearingResult Modifier and Type Method Description protected MarketClearingResult
MarketForecaster. getResultForRequestedTime(de.dlr.gitlab.fame.time.TimeStamp requestedTime)
Returns stored clearing result for the given time - or throws an Exception if no result is stored -
Uses of MarketClearingResult in
Methods in that return MarketClearingResult Modifier and Type Method Description MarketClearingResult
MarketClearing. clear(SupplyOrderBook supplyBook, DemandOrderBook demandBook, String clearingEventId)
Clears the market based on a SupplyOrderBook and a DemandOrderBookMarketClearingResult
MarketClearing. clear(ArrayList<de.dlr.gitlab.fame.communication.message.Message> input, String clearingEventId)
Clears the market based on all the bids provided in form of messages