Class DemandOrderBook

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    de.dlr.gitlab.fame.communication.transfer.Portable, Cloneable

    public class DemandOrderBook
    extends OrderBook
    implements Cloneable
    OrderBook that manages all OrderBookItems from demand-Bids
    Martin Klein, Christoph Schimeczek, A. Achraf El Ghazi
    • Constructor Detail

      • DemandOrderBook

        public DemandOrderBook()
    • Method Detail

      • getLastBid

        protected Bid getLastBid()
        Specified by:
        getLastBid in class OrderBook
        the last virtual Bid depending on the type of order book
      • getOfferedPower

        public double getOfferedPower()
        sum of all items' offered power
      • getUnsheddableDemand

        public double getUnsheddableDemand()
        sum of all items' asked power, that is not sheddable, i.e. has a value of lost load greater or equal to the Constants.SCARCITY_PRICE_IN_EUR_PER_MWH
      • getAmountOfPowerShortage

        public double getAmountOfPowerShortage​(OrderBookItem highestSupplyItem)
        Returns amount of power that the supply is short; can only be called once the book is updated after market clearing
        highestSupplyItem - OrderBookItem with highest price and non-zero power from SupplyOrderBook
        amount of power that the supply is short, i.e. the sum of all demand power not awarded with a higher price than the last supply offer