Class ClearingDetails

  • public class ClearingDetails
    extends Object
    Detailed result of market clearing
    Christoph Schimeczek, A. Achraf El Ghazi
    • Field Detail

      • tradedEnergyInMWH

        public final double tradedEnergyInMWH
        total traded energy on market
      • marketPriceInEURperMWH

        public final double marketPriceInEURperMWH
        settled market price after clearing
      • priceSettingDemandBidIdx

        public final Integer priceSettingDemandBidIdx
        The first bid in the demand-bid curve that is below or equal the supply-bid curve. Here: the bids of the demand-bid curve are sorted ascending by cumulatedPower and then descending by offerPrice, and the bids of the supply-bid curve are sorted ascending by cumulatedPower and then by offerPrice
      • priceSettingSupplyBidIdx

        public final Integer priceSettingSupplyBidIdx
        The first bid in the supply-bid curve that is over or equal the demand-bid curve. Here: the bids of the demand-bid curve are sorted ascending by cumulatedPower and then descending by offerPrice, and the bids of the supply-bid curve are sorted ascending by cumulatedPower and then by offerPrice
      • minPriceSettingDemand

        public final double minPriceSettingDemand
        The maximum demand amount that can be reduced from the entire demand without reducing the clearing-price
    • Constructor Detail

      • ClearingDetails

        public ClearingDetails​(double tradedEnergyInMWH,
                               double marketPriceInEURperMWH)
        tradedEnergyInMWH - total traded energy (in MWH)
        marketPriceInEURperMWH - electricity clearing price (in EUR per MWH)
      • ClearingDetails

        public ClearingDetails​(double tradedEnergyInMWH,
                               double marketPriceInEURperMWH,
                               Integer priceSettingDemandBidIdx,
                               Integer priceSettingSupplyBidIdx,
                               Double minPriceSettingDemand)
        tradedEnergyInMWH - total traded energy (in MWH)
        marketPriceInEURperMWH - electricity clearing price (in EUR per MWH)
        priceSettingDemandBidIdx - index of the price setting demand bid, i.e., last awarded demand bid
        priceSettingSupplyBidIdx - index of the price setting supply bid, i.e., last awarded supply bid
        minPriceSettingDemand - the maximal amount that the demand can be reduced without causing a price change