Class HeatPumpSchedule

  • public class HeatPumpSchedule
    extends DispatchSchedule
    Represents a dispatch schedule for flexible heat pumps
    Christoph Schimeczek, Evelyn Sperber
    • Constructor Detail

      • HeatPumpSchedule

        public HeatPumpSchedule​(de.dlr.gitlab.fame.time.TimePeriod timePeriod,
                                int durationInPeriods,
                                double planningResultionInC)
        timePeriod - defines first time at which this schedule is valid and length of each period
        durationInPeriods - number of time periods covered by this schedule, i.e. multiples of timeSegment durations
        planningResultionInC - discrete resolution of room temperature for dynamic programming
    • Method Detail

      • energyLevelWithinTolerance

        protected boolean energyLevelWithinTolerance​(de.dlr.gitlab.fame.time.TimeStamp time,
                                                     double temperatureInC)
        energyLevelWithinTolerance in class DispatchSchedule
        time - for which to check the expected energy level
        temperatureInC - actual energy level to be compared with the planned one
        true if the schedule is applicable to the specified hour with the specified energy in storage