Uses of Package
Packages that use agents.flexibility Package Description agents.electrolysis agents.flexibility agents.heatPump agents.heatPump.strategists agents.trader -
Classes in agents.flexibility used by agents.electrolysis Class Description DispatchSchedule Represents a charge / discharge schedule for flexibility options, e.g. storage systemsStrategist Base class for strategists that operate some kind of flexibility, e.g., an energy storage or flexible electrolysis -
Classes in agents.flexibility used by agents.flexibility Class Description DispatchSchedule Represents a charge / discharge schedule for flexibility options, e.g. storage systems -
Classes in agents.flexibility used by agents.heatPump Class Description DispatchSchedule Represents a charge / discharge schedule for flexibility options, e.g. storage systems -
Classes in agents.flexibility used by agents.heatPump.strategists Class Description Strategist Base class for strategists that operate some kind of flexibility, e.g., an energy storage or flexible electrolysis -
Classes in agents.flexibility used by Class Description DispatchSchedule Represents a charge / discharge schedule for flexibility options, e.g. storage systemsStrategist Base class for strategists that operate some kind of flexibility, e.g., an energy storage or flexible electrolysis -
Classes in agents.flexibility used by agents.trader Class Description Strategist Base class for strategists that operate some kind of flexibility, e.g., an energy storage or flexible electrolysis