Class SingleAgentSimple

  • public class SingleAgentSimple
    extends ElectrolyzerStrategist
    Dispatches an electrolysis unit with the aim to minimise its cost using an electricity price forecast and a hydrogen production goal
    Christoph Schimeczek
    • Field Detail

      • parameters

        public static final de.dlr.gitlab.fame.agent.input.Tree parameters
        Inputs specific to SingleAgentSimple electrolyzer strategists
    • Constructor Detail

      • SingleAgentSimple

        public SingleAgentSimple​(de.dlr.gitlab.fame.agent.input.ParameterData generalInput,
                                 de.dlr.gitlab.fame.agent.input.ParameterData specificInput)
                          throws de.dlr.gitlab.fame.agent.input.ParameterData.MissingDataException
        generalInput - parameter group associated with flexibility strategists in general
        specificInput - parameter group associated with this strategist in specific
        de.dlr.gitlab.fame.agent.input.ParameterData.MissingDataException - if any required input data is missing
    • Method Detail

      • updateSchedule

        protected void updateSchedule​(de.dlr.gitlab.fame.time.TimePeriod timePeriod)
        Description copied from class: Strategist
        Updates schedule arrays starting at the given TimePeriod with the given initial energy level
        Specified by:
        updateSchedule in class Strategist
        timePeriod - first period of the schedule to be created
      • storeMeritOrderForesight

        public void storeMeritOrderForesight​(de.dlr.gitlab.fame.time.TimePeriod timePeriod,
                                             SupplyOrderBook supplyForecast,
                                             DemandOrderBook demandForecast)
        Description copied from class: Strategist
        Stores given supply and demand bid forecasts for the associated TimePeriod: merit-order forecasting method
        storeMeritOrderForesight in class Strategist
        timePeriod - associated with the forecast data
        supplyForecast - forecasted supply OrderBook
        demandForecast - forecasted demand OrderBook