Package agents.electrolysis
Class MonthlyEquivalence
- java.lang.Object
- agents.flexibility.Strategist
- agents.electrolysis.ElectrolyzerStrategist
- agents.electrolysis.MonthlyEquivalence
public class MonthlyEquivalence extends ElectrolyzerStrategist
Strategist for operation of an electrolysis unit operation plus corresponding bidding strategies for purchasing grey electricity and selling green electricity. This Strategist tries to maximise profits while **not** jeopardizing the monthly green hydrogen production equivalence. It considers forecasts of:- costs for buying green electricity from a PPA contract partner,
- costs for buying grey electricity from the day-ahead market,
- rewards of selling green electricity to the day-head market,
- rewards of selling green hydrogen to the fuels market,
- amount of available green electricity produced by a PPA contract partner,
- operational restrictions of the employed electrolysis unit.
- The sum of produced hydrogen is (just) below the sum of its green electricity equivalent produced by the PPA contract partner (monthly equivalence).
- If electricity prices exceed their corresponding hydrogen value, all green electricity is sold.
- Surplus green electricity is sold, if the electricity price is above the negative corresponding hydrogen value.
- Green electricity is curtailed if electricity prices are below that threshold and monthly equivalence is not endangered.
- Author:
- Christoph Schimeczek, Johannes Kochems
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class agents.electrolysis.ElectrolyzerStrategist
actualProducedHydrogen, electricDemandOfElectrolysisInMW, electricityPriceForecasts, electrolyzer, hydrogenSaleOpportunityCostsPerElectricMWH, parameters, schedule, scheduledChargedHydrogenTotal, stepTimes
Fields inherited from class agents.flexibility.Strategist
bidToleranceParam, demandScheduleInMWH, ERR_PROVIDE_FORECAST, ERR_UNKNOWN_STRATEGIST, ERR_UNKNOWN_UPDATE_TYPE, ERR_USE_MERIT_ORDER_FORECAST, ERR_USE_PRICE_FORECAST, forecastPeriodParam, forecastSteps, forecastUpdateTypeParam, OPERATION_PERIOD, priceScheduleInEURperMWH, scheduledBidPricesInEURperMWH, scheduleDurationParam, scheduleDurationPeriods
Constructor Summary
Constructors Modifier Constructor Description protected
MonthlyEquivalence(de.dlr.gitlab.fame.agent.input.ParameterData input)
Create newMonthlyEquivalence
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description protected MeritOrderSensitivity
protected int
getHourWithLowestEconomicPotential(int endOfHorizon)
protected double[]
Replaces internal energy schedule: the relevant state to monitor in the schedule is the green electricity surplusPpaInformation
getPpaForPeriod(de.dlr.gitlab.fame.time.TimePeriod timePeriod)
stored earlier for the givenTimePeriod
getTimesMissingPpaForecast(de.dlr.gitlab.fame.time.TimePeriod firstTime)
Returns list of times at which PPA forecasts are missing but needed for schedule planningDispatchSchedule
getValidSchedule(de.dlr.gitlab.fame.time.TimeStamp targetTime)
Returns a valid schedule for the given target timevoid
resetMonthly(de.dlr.gitlab.fame.time.TimeStamp beginOfNextMonth)
Resets the current status of the Strategist to a new month: deletes the schedule and resets the green electricity surplus to Zerovoid
storeMeritOrderForesight(de.dlr.gitlab.fame.time.TimePeriod timePeriod, SupplyOrderBook supplyForecast, DemandOrderBook demandForecast)
Stores given supply and demand bid forecasts for the associated TimePeriod: merit-order forecasting methodvoid
storePpaForecast(de.dlr.gitlab.fame.time.TimePeriod timePeriod, PpaInformation ppaInformation)
Stores givenPpaInformation
at the specifiedTimePeriod
updateGreenElectricitySurplus(double greenElectricitySurplusInMWH)
Adds the given green electricity surplus (or deficit if negative) to the running total of the current months green electricity surplusvoid
updateProducedHydrogenTotal(double producedHydrogenInMWH)
Updates produced hydrogen total by adding the given amountprotected void
updateSchedule(de.dlr.gitlab.fame.time.TimePeriod timePeriod)
Updates schedule arrays starting at the given TimePeriod with the given initial energy level-
Methods inherited from class agents.electrolysis.ElectrolyzerStrategist
getEconomicHydrogenPotential, getElectricDemandForecastInMW, getHourWithHighestEconomicPotential, getHydrogenPriceForPeriod, getMissingHydrogenPriceForecastsTimes, getRemainingPowerInMW, newStrategist, setElectrolyzer, storeHydrogenPriceForecast, updateElectricityPriceForecasts, updateOpportunityCosts, updateStepTimes
Methods inherited from class agents.flexibility.Strategist
callOnSensitivity, clearSensitivitiesBefore, createSchedule, getMissingForecastTimes, getSensitivityForPeriod, getTimesMissingElectricityForecasts, storeElectricityPriceForecast, updateBidSchedule
Constructor Detail
protected MonthlyEquivalence(de.dlr.gitlab.fame.agent.input.ParameterData input) throws de.dlr.gitlab.fame.agent.input.ParameterData.MissingDataException
Create newMonthlyEquivalence
- Parameters:
- parameters associated with this strategist- Throws:
- if any required input is missing
Method Detail
public ArrayList<de.dlr.gitlab.fame.time.TimeStamp> getTimesMissingPpaForecast(de.dlr.gitlab.fame.time.TimePeriod firstTime)
Returns list of times at which PPA forecasts are missing but needed for schedule planning- Parameters:
- first time period to be covered by a created schedule- Returns:
- List of
s at whichPpaInformation
is not yet defined
public void storePpaForecast(de.dlr.gitlab.fame.time.TimePeriod timePeriod, PpaInformation ppaInformation)
Stores givenPpaInformation
at the specifiedTimePeriod
- Parameters:
- at which the PpaInformation is validppaInformation
- to be stored for later reference
public PpaInformation getPpaForPeriod(de.dlr.gitlab.fame.time.TimePeriod timePeriod)
stored earlier for the givenTimePeriod
- Parameters:
- to search for- Returns:
- previously stored PpaInformation for the specified TimePeriod or null if no data is available at the specified TimePeriod
protected MeritOrderSensitivity createBlankSensitivity()
- Specified by:
in classStrategist
- Returns:
- an empty
item of the type used by thisArbitrageStrategist
public void storeMeritOrderForesight(de.dlr.gitlab.fame.time.TimePeriod timePeriod, SupplyOrderBook supplyForecast, DemandOrderBook demandForecast)
Description copied from class:Strategist
Stores given supply and demand bid forecasts for the associated TimePeriod: merit-order forecasting method- Overrides:
in classStrategist
- Parameters:
- associated with the forecast datasupplyForecast
- forecasted supply OrderBookdemandForecast
- forecasted demand OrderBook
public DispatchSchedule getValidSchedule(de.dlr.gitlab.fame.time.TimeStamp targetTime)
Description copied from class:ElectrolyzerStrategist
Returns a valid schedule for the given target time- Overrides:
in classElectrolyzerStrategist
- Parameters:
- to return a valid schedule for- Returns:
- the previous schedule (if still valid) or a newly created one
protected void updateSchedule(de.dlr.gitlab.fame.time.TimePeriod timePeriod)
Description copied from class:Strategist
Updates schedule arrays starting at the given TimePeriod with the given initial energy level- Specified by:
in classStrategist
- Parameters:
- first period of the schedule to be created
protected int getHourWithLowestEconomicPotential(int endOfHorizon)
- Parameters:
- last step of planning horizon- Returns:
- Hour with lowest, but positive economic potential among those with scheduled purchase; -1 if no such hour exists
public void updateProducedHydrogenTotal(double producedHydrogenInMWH)
Description copied from class:ElectrolyzerStrategist
Updates produced hydrogen total by adding the given amount- Overrides:
in classElectrolyzerStrategist
- Parameters:
- amount of produced hydrogen to add to the total
public void updateGreenElectricitySurplus(double greenElectricitySurplusInMWH)
Adds the given green electricity surplus (or deficit if negative) to the running total of the current months green electricity surplus- Parameters:
- amount of green electricity surplus to add
public void resetMonthly(de.dlr.gitlab.fame.time.TimeStamp beginOfNextMonth)
Resets the current status of the Strategist to a new month: deletes the schedule and resets the green electricity surplus to Zero- Parameters:
- first TimeStamp at the beginning of the next month
protected double[] getInternalEnergySchedule()
Replaces internal energy schedule: the relevant state to monitor in the schedule is the green electricity surplus- Overrides:
in classElectrolyzerStrategist
- Returns:
- array representing the expected internal energy state of the controlled flexibility